Here I am one year ago...


Today I slept in until after 9:00... I had to start the morning off with a bath because we didn't get home from the fair until after midnight and I was pretty dirty....
I ate some yogurt and fruit for breakfast....

We went outside to take a few pictures but I just don't like to sit still anymore...

I ate some lunch....

and couldn't even make it through that.... Mommy moved me to my bed for a nap

I woke up and we tried some more pictures...

but I really don't stay in one place for very long...

I walked a lot...

and tried to get away from mommy....

I wouldn't let go of
Kaeli's little toy...

I was even telling the toy what to do....

I really like to play "Where is
Kenzie?" "Here I am!"

I like to make funny noises with my tongue too...thanks to daddy and big brother

I am such a big shirt says "I'M THE BIRTHDAY GIRL now g
imme' some cake."

I opened my presents from mommy, daddy,
Kaeli and
I like my new doll...she talks to me

I got some new clothes...

and some new musical toys...


We went to the Pizza Factory for my birthday dinner...yummy
It is Thursday... and Thursday is pizza night.

When we got back home it was time for ice cream cake...

Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me...

and then we ate the cake...

I just dipped my finger in...mommy helped me finish up. I didn't get too messy.
Now I'm off to sleep again...what a day!
To my baby girl Kenzie...
I can't believe you are already one! You are such a special little girl who is so very loved. You have been such a blessing in our lives and it is so amazing to watch all of your accomplishments. I love seeing all of your "firsts!" Your daddy and I know how special each day is with you and we want you to know how very much we love you! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!
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