Kenzie and Maddie...
Kyler "The Nerd" and Kaeli as "Selena Gomez" (It doesn't hurt Kaeli, I promise)
Kyler "The Nerd" and Kaeli as "Selena Gomez" (It doesn't hurt Kaeli, I promise)
They can't all be perfect...
All tuckered out...
All tuckered out...
Kenzie on the move....
Kyler, Kaeli and Will
We went trick or treating downtown... then we grabbed some dinner with our friends at El Gitano... off to the Fun Fall Festival... and then Kermit took the oldest two around the neighborhood. Lots of yummy chocolate this year... I'm sure the kids won't miss any while they're at school :)
We went trick or treating downtown... then we grabbed some dinner with our friends at El Gitano... off to the Fun Fall Festival... and then Kermit took the oldest two around the neighborhood. Lots of yummy chocolate this year... I'm sure the kids won't miss any while they're at school :)